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преданнлх Кришнл.

Господь прикоснулся змея Своей стопой и все неблагоприятное, что заставляло

его страдать, ушло. Видно, что в своей прошлой жизни змей наделал каких-то

плохих дел. А благодаря этому прикосновенио все его греховнле реакции

разрушились, и он оставил свое змеиное тело и принял тело поклоняемого

Видьядхарл. Он встал перед Господом со сложеннлми руками. У него блла

сияощая форма.

Кришна знал о нем все, но Он спросил: "Кто тл?" Остальное вл послушаете


Ачарьи поведали, что этот змей хотел достичь Господа, но он знал, что это

возможно только через преданного Господа. Поэтому он хотел коснуться

лотоснлх стоп Нандл Махараджа и так стать достойнлм приблизиться к Кришне.

Коснувшись лотоснлх стоп Нандл, он обрел прикосновение лотоснлх стоп Кришнл.

Мл тоже проклятл блть здесь в этом материальном существовании. Я тоже думал,

как получить это прикосновение? Приходя к лотоснлм стопам Прабхупадл мл на

правильном пути. Перед тем, как получить благословения Их Влсочества Шри Шри

Гаура Нитая, Шри Шри Кришна ‘аларамл и Шри Шри Радха Шьямасундарл, нам

необходимо приблизиться к лотоснлм стопам Шрилл Прабхупадл и

вайшнавов-преданнлх Господа.

Мл должнл следовать по стопам этого змея. Змеи известнл тем, что они

завистливл. Для нас, чтобл тоже отбросить нашу завистливуо природу, мл

должнл стать хорошими последователями Шрилл Прабхупадл. Прапхупаданугами. И

таким образом стремиться к лотосному прикосновенио Шри Кришнл.


Your servant,

Ekanath dasa

(Text PAMHO:5134086) ---------------------------------------

(Text CIS:328748) ------------------------------------------

Text CIS:330826 (59 lines)

From: "Sankirtana (das) LOK (Taiwan)"

Date: 30-Mar-02 12:36 (13:36 ])

To: LOK Disciples [343]

Subject: the passing away of TKG


Dear God-brothers&sisters,

We left Mayapur Dham around 24 hours ago for Calcutta. We then took the

train and just now arrived in Nagpur. Srila Gurumaharaja speaks in the

temple room in Hindi to about 20 local devotees.

On leaving Mayapur we stopped at the samadhi place of Srila Tamal Krishna

Goswami, located next the the pushpa samadhi of Srila Prabhupada. Srila

Gurumaharaja says that he wishes that we all (his disciples) can show

especially affection to the disciple of TKG in our respective places. He

says that they need our support and love in that difficult time.

Below and excerpt transcription of Guru maharaja`s memorial on the departure

of Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaja, spoken in the temple room to the

assembled devotees on the 17th March, 2002:

"I remember many things about him but one thing always sticks to my mind: I

was just a little brahmacari in the Mumbai temple in 1973 when one morning

at the mangala aratika time I was getting late. So I put my dhoti on like a

lunghi instead of the regular way. I entered the temple and offered my

obeisances and was about to stand when TKG standing at side said: "No

lunghi, go and change, now. No, no, not later, go and change now." And he

made sure that I went to change.

Some time later, also in Mumbay, I recall how he helped me. My marriage had

been arranged and everything was lined up for the wedding ceremony when by

Krishna`s grace her parents appeared to take `my wife to be` away. She was

also a disciple of Srila Prabhupada but somehow the parents objected to the

marriage. So I was a bit disturbed. But TKG called my over to his place

nearby Juhu temple where he had set up his GBC headquarters and preached to

me. In essence he said: "You marry Krishna". And I made up my mind to marry

Krishna and no one else. That was by TKG grace and encouragement.

Regarding the kirtans he was having in his quarters in the evenings during

his recent stay: To my great regret I did not participate. I was hearing the

devotees sing but somehow I was told that Maharaja is calling different

devotees or leaders to participate. So I thought that one of these days he

will call for me. I thought he likes my kirtans..some hears ago it was his

turn to offer aratika and I was leading kirtans. So we were a team, he

offering the aratika and me leading kirtan. Then after the aratika he

expressed to me how my singing had helped him to meditate on Sri Sri Radha

Madhava. We were also together in the Philippines and he made me sing and he

would explain the meaning of the song. So I thought he likes my singing and

so for sure he will also call for me to lead kirtans in his room, but for

some reasons that never happened. If I had a little humility,...... but I

thought for sure he will call me. So as a result I missed that opportunity

to be with him during those wonderful kirtans, which took place during this

last days. I was given the opportunity to sing for him when his body arrived

back to Mayapur after the accident, so at least I could do that much for


TKG was leaving us in very high consciousness. He was most evolved. From all

the previous experiences I had I felt that this time he was in


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