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little frightening. Anyway I

did the normal things such as chant Hare Krsna as well as Nrsimha mantras.

This didn`t seem to work as I kept getting them again and again. Finally I

took some L-Tryptophane (1000mg) an amino acid, which I keep on my night

stand and went back to sleep. I slept very soundly and was not bothered by

nightmares again.

L-Tryptophane is totally safe as it is an amino acid and is found in large

quantities in many of the foods that we eat. So it is not a drug nor does it

have side effect (of course if you take too much of anything it`s not good).

It is a pre-cursor [sic] to serotin which is a natural tranquilizer

manufactured by the brain. It helps to establish the brain`s chemistry.

Along with DL-Phenylalanine it is used as a natural `tranquilizer` and it

helps to promote sleep. I often take it alone (on sleepless nights) in a

dosage of 500-1000mg. As I said before it is a precursor [sic] to serotonin.

It was found in studies that serotonin was one of the main brain checmicals

that was affected by LSD and its associated hallucinations and psychomimetic

effects. ...

Take this at night before retiring (1000mg) with water on an empty stomach

(no proteins or the amino acids will combine). It is very cheap."

So this is in our "For what its worth" department as a personal testimony

from a devotee of something which can help.

Perhaps some should try it?

(Text 26246) ------------------------------

(Comment in (Text 26333) by Rati d.d.)

(Text 26333) 23-Aug-88 13:00 /0 lines/ Rati d.d.

Receiver: Practical Medicine <87>

Comment on: (Text 26246) by Harikesa Swami

Subject: Discovery by Symasundar das


dear sri visnupada,

please accept my humble obeisances.

question to sound sleep:

in theletter are two substances mentioned, L-Tryptophane and


Which of the two should be used?

(Text 26333) ------------------------------

(Comment in (Text 26336) by Harikesa Swami)

(Text 26336) 23-Aug-88 13:23 /0 lines/ Harikesa Swami

Receiver: Practical Medicine <88>

Comment on: (Text 26333) by Rati d.d.

Subject: Discovery by Symasundar das


L-Tryptophane, obviously.

(Text 26336) ------------------------------

(Text 35760) 21-Nov-88 19:23 /70 lines/ Kardama muni das

Receiver: Practical Medicine <89>

Subject: Brahmastrajuice.


Shyama Sundara prabhu wanted me to put this on the conference.

He starts:

My personal recipe for Brahmastra juice is superior to others that are

circulating because it is more effective and tastes much better as well,so

that you will take it thus getting the effects. Make a large batch and

drink it as hot as you can stand itthrough out the winter and any time you

are feeling ill due to cold in the stomach i.e. mucous problems( which is

centered in the lungs). One of thethree causes of diseases according tp

the ayurveda is improper diet which leads to digestive problems and build

up of aam, undigested food in the system which becomes toxic. This aam

settles inone of the three doshas,kapha (mucous causing), pitta (heat

causing) and vatta (vayu) ;and vitiates it. Sometimes more than one is

affected or all three, these are serious cases. I don`t want to go into

details of ayurvedic theory ( I studied it while in India, my astrology

teacher was a Vaidya(physician). The essence is this; when the body gets

cold because of suppression for some reason, of the fire of digestion, the

fluids and tissues also getcold. When this happens they get more viscous

(thick) and become breeding places for germs which are ever present in

the body. It is easely seen that when gee or any oil is hot it flows very

easy and is thinn and runny. But when they get cold they solidify in the

case of ghee or get very thick This is what happens in your body. By

stimulating the fire of digestion, you dramatically increase the heat in

your body which dissolves and thins out the mucous. It the either dries

out or becomes very easy to expecturate. Your whole metabolism become

stimulated and you actually digest all the mucuos causing agents and burn

them up, thus detoxifying your system and increasing your power to digest.

Now the formula:

Pure water, ginger (raw, grated or dries), black pepper. These are the

main ingredients. For 1l of water you can use about 100 gm. ginger and

15-30ml. blackpepper. You can vary the quantities to suit your taste.


Ideally, you start with 2l of water and boil the water down to 1l with the

ginger and pepper, this is not so necesarry. Otherwise just boil (low

boli) 1l of water with the two spieces for 15 min. Then add 15-30 ml


15-30 ml licorice root, 10-15 cloves , 1-2 cinnamonsticks, 5-15 ml nutmeg

or ma same amount of allspice (optional). Then cover the pot and simmer on

low heat for 5-10 min. Meanwhile powder some cardamon seeds 15-30 ml and

squeeze the juice from a lemon and then slice up the peel. When the time

is up add the cardamon and lemon peel to pot and again cover and continue

simmering for


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